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ADMCG & MTR Workshop for Gyotaku experience

Guotaku_in_hk / Workshop

於 2024年 1月17日, 有幸被邀請到MTR 火炭鐵路大樓與國際NGO ADM 基金合辦"可持續性海鮮"魚拓工作坊及展覽。 以傳統魚拓藝術結合可持續海鮮教育推廣,讓MTR 的同事們可以一方面提高文化質素,另一方面增加環保意識



On January 17, 2024, I was fortunate to be invited to the MTR Fotan Railway Building to co-organize the "Sustainable Seafood" Gyotaku workshop and exhibition with the international NGO ADM Foundation. Combining traditional Gyotaku art with sustainable seafood education and promotion, MTR colleagues can improve cultural quality on the one hand, and increase environmental awareness on the other.

Students were able to create happily, and some of the works of Li Zhenhua Gyoto artist were also displayed in the process.

This event allowed the public to increase their understanding of Gyotaku and give them the opportunity to experience it in person.

From June 22nd to June 25th, a 4-day Gyotaku workshop was held at the AIA Ferris Wheel. Using wooden boards, 201 Gyotaku works were presented to the public, and the process of creating Gyotaku art was explained to the audience. The workshop also allowed participants to experience the charm of Gyotaku firsthand.

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