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李振華出生於一個香港平凡家庭,童年,他在父親的陪伴下,接觸了釣魚活動,繼而對深邃而美麗的大海產生了無窮的好奇和喜愛。 2015年至2019年,他就讀於香港理工大學工程學院,求學其間,李振華創辦了本地品牌 <香港魚拓>, 致力創出屬於李振華, 屬於香港的魚拓作品。 2019年,他通過吸收各種新科技的知識, 以數碼科技糅合傳統魚拓文化 , 創立出電子魚拓,讓魚拓文化在傳統嘅基礎上,增添科技元素。保留傳統技藝嘅基礎上亦能夠更加貼近現代人的需求。 2022年,李振華除了作品的累積,視野的拓展和觀念的更新使得他開始和不同的共私營機構合作, 與辦工作坊。 2023年,他從電子魚拓和傳統魚拓基礎上加入標本元素, 打造出真正獨一無二的魚拓。

Li Chun Wa was born in an ordinary family in Hong Kong. In his childhood, accompanied by his father, he was exposed to fishing activities, and then developed infinite curiosity and love for the deep and beautiful sea. From 2015 to 2019, he studied at the Faculty of Engineering of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. During his studies, Li Chun Wa founded the local brand Gyotaku_in_HK>, striving to create Gyotaku works that belong to Li Chun wa and belong to Hong Kong. In 2019, by absorbing the knowledge of various new technologies and combining traditional Gyotaku culture with digital technology, he created Electronic Gyotaku, which added technological elements to Gyotaku culture on the basis of tradition
. On the basis of retaining traditional skills, it can also be closer to the needs of modern people. In 2022, in addition to the accumulation of works, Li Chun Wa has expanded his horizons and updated his concepts, allowing him to cooperate with different public and private organizations and hold workshops. In 2023, he added specimen elements to the basis of electronic Gyotaku and traditional Gyotaku to create a truly unique Gyotaku.

© 2015 by gyotaku_in_hk

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