Yahoo! Gyotaku Workshop & Exhibition
Guotaku_in_hk / Workshop & Exhibition
於 2022年 1月, 有幸被邀請到Yahoo! 辦公室舉行 8/1/2023, 13/1/2023 為期2天魚拓工作坊, 學生能夠愉快地創作,過程中展示了驚人的創意, 大人和小朋友均樂在期中 ,亦展示了一些李振華魚拓藝術家的作品。
In January 2022, I was honored to be invited to the Yahoo! office to hold a 2-day gyotaku workshop on 8/1/2023 and 13/1/2023. Students were able to create happily and showed amazing creativity in the process. Both adults and children In the period of fun, some works of Li Zhenhua Yutaku artist were also displayed.
This event allowed the public to increase their understanding of